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Controlling the rendering of macros

What is meant here by rendering is the translation by Mkdocs-Macros of macros as well as Jinja2 control structures and comments into pure Markdown/HTML.

Migrations to Mkdocs-Macros

This page may be useful for large MkDocs projects that have decided to:

  • adopt Mkdocs-Macros at a later stage of their existence;
  • include a subproject using Mkdocs-Macros into a main project that doesn't.



The most frequent issue, when adding the Mkdocs-Macros plugin to an existing MkDocs project, is that some pre-existing markdown pages may not be rendered correctly, or cause a syntax error, or some other error.

The reason is that, by default, when the Jinja2 template engine in the macro plugin encounters any text that has the standard markers (typically starting with {%} or {{) this will cause a conflict: it will try to interpret that text as as Jinj2 directive or macro and fail to behave properly.

The most likely places where this can occur are the following:

Location in Markdown file (Block or Inline) Description
Code Documented Jinja2 statements (or similar syntax), LaTeX
Maths LaTeX statements
Elsewhere Some pre-existing templating or macro language, typically with some constructs starting with {# or {{.

Expected behaviors in case of failure

  1. If the statement does not fit Jinja2 syntax, a syntax error will be displayed in the rendered page.

  2. If Mkdocs-Macros mistakenly tries to interprets a syntactically valid Jinja2 statement containing a variable, the most likely result is the page will fail (you can change this behavior with the on_undefined parameter in the config file).

  3. If the statement looks like a macro (callable, with arguments), an error and traceback will be displayed in the page.


This question of accidental rendering is covered generally in the Jinja2 documentation as escaping.

Here we need to help Mkdocs-Macros clearly distinguish between two types of Jinja2 statements:

  1. Documentation statements, which must appear as-is in the final HTML pages, and therefore must not be interpreted by Mkdocs-Macros.
  2. Actionable Jinja2 statements: calls to variables or macros, etc., which Mkdocs-Macros must replace by their equivalent.

Special Cases

Code Blocks Containing Similar Languages

With MkDocs, this situation typically occurs when the website is documenting an application that relies on a "djangolike/jinjalike language" like:

  • Django Template Language
  • Jinja2 (Python)
  • Nunjucks (Javascript)
  • Twig (PHP)
  • ...

This may also happen for pages that documents Ansible directives, which often contain variables expressed in a Jinja2 syntax.

Snippets Containing LaTeX

With the plug-in enabled, LaTeX snippets would fail to build because {{?}} will trigger the interpretation of a Jinja2 macro (since {{ and }} are markers).LaTeX snippets

For example, the following LaTeX snippet is used to draw a table:

    2   & 9     & 4\\
    7   & \multicolumn{2}{c|} {\multirow{2}*{{?}}} \\
    6   &       &\\

Two Cautions


Fencing Jinja2 statements parts as blocks of code with the markdown convention (using three backticks or three tildes) will not prevent their interpretation, because this macros plugin intentionally ignores them.

This is to allow advanced use cases where the content of the code block must be computed on the fly.

No Risk of interference of Jinja2 statements with HTML Rendering

There is, of course, a third use of Jinja2 statements: MkDocs also use them in templates to render HTML pages. Fortunately, we can safely ignore that fact.

There is in principle no risk that MkDocs will accidentally interpret any Jinja2 statements in markdown pages, during the HTML rendering process.

The reason is that MkDocs contains a safety: it automatically escapes symbols such as '{', which could have a meaning for the later rendering in HTML (which also uses Jinja2 templates).

Here we are trying to solve a different problem: how to avoid interpretation of Jinja2 statements by Mkdocs-Macros, so that they actually appear in the HTML output?


Solution 1 (Opt-out): Exclude one page from the rendering process

From version 0.5.7

Quick fix

This solution is a quick fix, if you are "migrating" a pre-existing MkDocs project under Mkdocs-Macros, and only a few Markdown pages fail, or do not display correctly.

In the header of the markdown page, indicate that the markdown should be used "as-is" (no rendering of Mkdocs-Macros), by setting the ignore_macros meta-data key to the truevalue.

# YAML header
render_macros: false

That parameter takes priority over all other considerations. It guarantees that Mkdocs-Macros will not attempt to render this page.

Any other value than true (or an absence of this key), will be interpreted as a false value.

From version 1.1.0

This directive is no longer accepted and will cause an error:

# YAML header
ignore_macros: true

Solution 2 (Opt-in): Specify which pages must be rendered

From version 1.0.0

Large preexisting projects

If you already have a particularly large MkDocs project and have several problematic pages, or do not wish write a YAML header for all of them, this solution may be for you.

The opt-in solution consists of changing the default behavior of Mkdocs-Macros: no pages will be rendered (no macros interpreted) unless this is specifically requested.

After that, there are two ways to specify which pages must be rendered:

  1. In the YAML header of each markdown page (render_macros: true).
  2. From version 1.1.0 In the configuration file, by setting the force_render_paths parameter.

To change the default behavior, set the render_by_default parameter to false in the config file (mkdocs.yml):

  - search
  - macros:
      render_by_default: false

Opt-in with the markdown page's header

To render a specific page:

# YAML header
render_macros: true

Mkdocs-Macros will not attempt to render the other pages.

From version 1.1.0

The following directive is no longer accepted and will cause an error:

# YAML header
ignore_macros: false

Opt-in through the config file

From version 1.1.0

When render_macros is set to false in the config file, the parameter force_render_paths can be used to specify a list of exceptions (opt-in) i.e. relative paths of pages within the documents directory (as well as file patterns) in which macros must be rendered.

Use case

This feature was developed for very large MkDocs projects, typically when a whole subproject is later inserted (as a subdirectory) into a bigger project that doesn't.

Default rendering of macros is out of question since it would break the parent project; at the same time, adding a YAML header in all pages of the child project would be tedious.

Setting the subdirectory as an exception (opt-in) can solve the problem.

The syntax follows more or less the .gitignore pattern matching.

For example:

  - search
  - macros:
      # do not render the pages by default
      # requires an opt-in
      render_by_default: false
      # render this subdirectory of the documents directory:
      force_render_paths: rendered/ 

The page header has the last word

If render_macros is set to false in the YAML header of the page, it will never be rendered, even if it matches the specification in force_render_paths.

Similarly, if it is set to true, it will be rendered regardless of force_render_paths.

The syntax allows more than one instruction, with examples provided in this page of the Pathlib library documentation, e.g.:

  - search
  - macros:
      # do not render the pages by default
      # requires an opt-in
      render_by_default: false
      # render those paths and patterns:
      force_render_paths: |
        # this directory will be rendered:
        # this pattern of files will be rendered:

Syntax of the multiline parameter

force_render_paths can be a YAML multiline literal string (note the pipe symbol). Comments (starting with a #) are accepted within the string and are ignored.

It is also possible to specify exceptions with ! operator, (e.g. !foo*.md excludes all files starting with foo and with the md extension from the list of candidates.)

Location of the root directory

Contrary to other parameters of the plugin, which consider that the root directory is the Mkdocs project's directory (where the config file resides), the root directory here is the documents directory, generally named docs. Starting the relative path from that subdirectory is logical, since the markdown pages are not supposed to exist outside of it.

Solution 3: Snippets as jinja2 strings (one-liners)

This hack works for simple one-line snippets. Suppose you want to prevent the string {{ 2 + 2 }} from being interpreted. It would be sufficient to treat it as if it was a string in jinja2.

{{ "{{ 2 + 2 }}" }}

You could also use expressions that contain the double quote symbol, but in this case you must bracket them with simple quotes:

{{ '{{ "Hello world" }}' }}


Triple quotes (""") around strings are not allowed in Jinja2, so this hack cannot be used for multiline statements.

Solution 4: Explicitly marking the snippets as 'raw'

The standard solution is to isolate each snippet of code that should not be interpreted, using the standard jinja2 raw directive, which exists for that purpose:

{% raw %}
- task: "create a directory
    path: "{{ folder_path }}"
    state: directory
    recurse: true
{% endraw %}

The same approach can also be used for inline definitions, e.g.:

 You can use the `raw` expression for inline definitions, for example: {% raw %} `{{{method}}}-{{{url}}}.json` {%  endraw %} for
 escaping 3-bracket expressions often used in Handlebars.

Solution 5: Altering the syntax of jinja2 for Mkdocs-Macros

Sometimes the introduction of Mkdocs-Macros comes late in the chain, and the existing pages already contain a lot of Jinja2 statements (or statements with a similar syntax) that should appear as-is in the final HTML pages: escaping all of them would not really be an option.

Or else, you are using some other plugin or Markdown extension that demands a syntax that is too similar to that normally used by Jinja2 (and you do not wish to implement an MkDocs-Macros pluglet to replace it).


Rather than refactoring all the existing markdown pages to fence those statements to protect them from rendering, it may be preferable, as a last resort, to alter the markers for variables or blocks used in Mkdocs-Macros.

The parameters to control those markers are described in the documentation of the high-level API for Jinja2.

For example, you may want to replace the curly brackets by square ones, like this:

# This is a title
[# This is a jinja2 comment that will not appear. #]

It costs [[ unit_price ]].

[[% if unit_price > 5 %]]
This is expensive!
[[% endif %]]

To obtain this result, simply add the following parameters in the macros section in Mkdoc's config file. There are:

  • two parameters for code blocks (start and end)
  • two for variables (start and end)
  • two for comments (start and end)
  - search
  - macros:
      j2_block_start_string: '[[%'
      j2_block_end_string: '%]]'
      j2_variable_start_string: '[['
      j2_variable_end_string: ']]'
      j2_comment_start_string: '[#'
      j2_comment_end_string: '#]'

New in 1.0.7: parameters j2_comment_start_string and j2_comment_end_string

You may, of course, chose the combination of markers that best suits your needs.

Caution 1: You are walking out of the beaten path.

Altering the standard markers used in jinja2 has far-reaching consequences, because it will oblige you henceforth use a new form for templates, which is specific to your project. When reading this documentation, you will have to mentally convert all the examples.

Caution 2: Use with discretion

Errors in defining these new markers, or some accidental combinations of markers may have unpredictable consequences. Use with discretion, and at your own risk. In case of trouble, please do not expect help from the maintainers of this plugin.